Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan 7th, 2010

I am so ready! After an early morning of flights I arrived into LAX around 11am. My best friend Abby picked me up from the airport and the whirlwind began. After a few hours together they took me to the apartment of a first year student Kylie’s house where I was staying for the week! I relaxed and enjoyed seeing old familiar faces for the evening. Rehearsals started the next morning, January 2, 2010, and ran straight through till January 7th. My body is a little sore… ok who am I kidding my body is really sore, but also incredibly thrilled to be back dancing! My cast is incredible everyone is so kind and talented and very very funny! We laugh a LOT! So Thursday Jan 7th rehearsals were finished and we were packing everything up even though it felt like rehearsals had just began.

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